Birds in the Sky… or the ceiling, whatever.

Just because it’s been quiet around here doesn’t mean we’ve not been busy! We are making good progress on the laundry cabinets and that thing is ALMOST DONE after so many touch-ups and additions and adjustments. I hope to show you what they look like by Thursday!

For now, I wanted to show you a sweet addition to the nursery that was made by my mom. Here’s the first clue:


Yes, she’s looking up with a puzzled expression.

It’s a bird mobile!


My mom did everything, from sewing the birds to gluing on the eyes to cutting down the branches (bought from Hobby Lobby) and hanging it all up on the mobile. Since she did everything, this is not a tutorial but more like a “Look, how cute! And I didn’t even have to do anything except hang it up!” thing.


The colors she chose are perfect – bright blue/teal, yellow, orange, with touches of black and white.


Janella is in love.


She stares at the mobile when she lies down in her crib and tries to grab the birds when we hold her too close to it.


Yes, a bird is missing a branch. The cats did it. Tala is my number one suspect.


Since our goal for 2012 is to make the house FUNCTIONAL, it’s okay that the nursery isn’t 100% done even though Janella is almost 9 months old (how did that happen?). This nursery is definitely functional. It’s a happy place for all of us. Janella sleeps like a… well, a baby in there.

But I do have some things I want to finish up in there after we complete our laundry room and office to-do lists. For one, we bought three large canvases for that wall behind the crib and Nick is planning to paint a world map on them. I can’t wait for that!

See you Thursday for the laundry cabinets reveal, right? It’s a date, right?

8 Responses

  1. Love?!?!!?!?!

  2. I love the mobile, and Janella–what a doll! We need to get together for a play date soon :)!

  3. Awww. it’s so pretty.

  4. Beautifully-made mobile! Wonder if your mom used a pattern for the birds or just used her creative juices?? Janella’s nursery is looking more happier everyday! Nice to see it grow along with her!

  5. So cute, don’t you love moms??

  6. Aww so cute! The colors are so fun! I can tell Janella loves it. 🙂

  7. The birds are darling. Can you tell me what color gray the nursery is painted? I just painted my daughter’s room a gray and it looks periwinkle. Ergh. This color looks like what we were hoping for.

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