Welcome to GrayLand

Finally, we present to you… OUR OFFICE!

What? No, that’s not it. Actually, our office progress has been sidelined and it’s become the dumping ground of the Gray Master Bedroom Project.

We put all of our dressers and other stuff in the office and put our mattress (the twin size mattress that we’ve been sleeping on for the past few weeks) in our exercise room.

Now, the room is all empty and ready.

We originally wanted to go a darker gray for the walls until we painted the samples (the two on the right) and realized that they were too dark, especially with our black bed… So, the light gray you see on the left is the gray that we picked. French Gray by Behr.

(Mom! Look at the chandelier that you bought us!)

We couldn’t decide on which shade of dark gray to use for our borders – I wanted the lighter shade on the left, Nick wanted the one on the right. Our temporary roomie voted for the left one, so I won. Sorry, Nick…

I really hope the borders look good! I keep on flip-flopping in my head… Gray borders? White borders? No borders? But go ahead with it. It’s something different and if it doesn’t look good, it isn’t too hard to just paint over them.


6 Responses

  1. I like left ones, too! Show us your new table! yay!

  2. Can’t wait to see the results.

  3. How is it coming now? And I hope you are getting better as well.

    Let you know I changed my url, it is now: http://moonislaughing.blogspot.com πŸ˜€

  4. oooh ooooh oooooh! we’re going to paint our master bedroom gray, too! shocker, huh?

    but how exciting for you! it’s all looking really great πŸ™‚ i’ll have to go back through your recent posts and see what else you’ve been up to. We took our little break and i’m all behind on everyone else’s projects πŸ™‚


    p.s. thanks for the tip about the PT – poor Sam 😦

  5. i liked the right one.. remember– darker is always better, this is your dark friend telling you this right now, haha!

  6. We went through the same thing when trying to pick a gray for our guest bedroom! We ended up picking Valspar Metropolis, but looking back, I’d pick one with a little less blue in it. Grays are hard! You picked a good one. I’m really digging the gray walls and that fabulous chandelier!

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