The Stairway Gets a Facelift (and it’s about time…)

I love having my mom visit us! We’re always so productive and on the go go go go with the house… she is full of energy, I can’t even keep up with her!

(I have an semi-lame excuse – it’s in my belly)

Nick’s doing a great job keeping up, though. But at the end of the day, he usually looks like this:

The first thing we tackled was the stairway. It looked like this:

And the back view:

Yeah – we stopped at that stupid line because we didn’t have a ladder at the time. Can you believe that it stayed that way since September 2009? Geeeez.

Enter the ladder from heaven:

This ladder is so great. It can be manipulated to stand on steps, like above, and it can also morph into a really tall ladder, like below:

Does that picture give you a little fear in the bottom of your heart? It does for me. That Nick is a brave one.

Then it was time to switch out that stupid ugly little light. Scroll up to the first photo to see that stupid ugly little light again.

(To be honest, I only included the above photo to show you guys my growing belly bump!)

We grabbed a cool outdoor light from Home Depot for our stairway – for only $30(ish).

I like it a lot – unexpected and outdoorsy! It will look great with black frames all over this wall. Look for that in September 2013.

The completed stairway – just had to include this shot because it really shows how high up the wall is and how heroic Nick is to be able to paint all of that:

Now I’m giving the carpet on the stairs my evilest eye. It needs to go, and SOON! We’ll experiment with the bottom part (below the window you see in the above photo) and see how it looks painted black and decide what to do from there.

This house is not safe from the team of Mommy and Nick. They’re still hard at work right now, painting the game room. I’ve been banned from all forms of paint… not that I’m complaining…

5 Responses

  1. Love the new light fixture and adore your baby bump!

  2. Great job Nick! That’s a lot of work painting such a large, tall area. Great idea on the light fixture. Also wanted to let you know that you and I are in the same boat (sorry if this is random and creepy, but I’ve been following your blog for a few months now) and I think we might be the same amount along in pregnancy (I’m 23 weeks as of today). I moved from Austin in January to Canada, which is also why I love following your blog since I know where you’re at! Best wishes!

  3. you look beautiful!


  4. Aww, glad you included the picture with the baby bump! Was good to also hear all about it in ASL from Erin and Jesse heh. The stairway looks great- good job with the paint! Lamp’s perfect! Tell ur mom hellO! 🙂

  5. […] – let’s finish up the mini stairway makeover! We painted the (tall) walls of the stairway and put up a new light. Then it was time to paint that stairway rail a nice […]

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